Deborah’s are nation changers! - Deborah loved her nation and willingly gave up sitting comfortably in an old season. She rose up and moved forward in a new beginning! The result was:
Because she changed what she was doing, her nation was changed.
Deborah’s rise up in new strengths! – Deborah acted in faith. She faced adverse conditions, and ran to the battle with God’s leaders in a new anointing. The result was:
Her leadership beside Barak established victory!
Deborah’s carry a strong voice! – Deborah was blessed with the gift that gives any leader the edge. She had the ability to hear God’s voice, which produced the courage to act upon it. The result was:
Her Godly wisdom drew people to her for counsel; she did not seek ways to exercise her own leadership.
Deborah’s pray with authority! – Deborah carried great political authority and governed God’s people with a mother’s heart, and a soldier’s strength. The result was:
Great deliverance for her nation.
Deborah’s worship! - Deborah gave momentum in the earth to a sound which is still a force that is proclaiming good news today (Psalm 68:11). The result was:
An abundance of fresh grace poured out for Deborah beside Barak’s army to march on with strength!